The Cuban people exercise power directly or through the Assemblies of People's Power and other organs of the State derived from them, in the manner and according to the norms established by the Constitution and the laws.

The principles of organization and operation of state bodies are:

  1. all representative organs of state power are elective and renewable;
  2. the popular masses control the activity of the state organs, the Deputies, the Delegates and the officials;
  3. those elected have the duty to render an account of their actions and can be revoked from their positions at any time;
  4. Each state body broadly develops, within the framework of its competence, the initiative aimed at making the most of local resources and possibilities and at incorporating mass and social organizations into its activity;
  5. the provisions of the higher state bodies are mandatory for the lower ones;
  6. the lower state bodies are accountable to the higher ones and are accountable for their management. freedom of discussion, the exercise of criticism and self-criticism and the subordination of the minority to the majority rule in all collegiate state bodies

The System of the organs of People's Power is structured from the base to the national instance.

At the top of the System: the National Assembly of People's Power. In the provinces: The Provincial Governments of the People's Power. In the municipalities: the Municipal Assemblies of People's Power.

At the immediate lower level of the municipalities: the Popular Councils. The Circumscription is the basic cell of the entire structure of Popular Power, whose conception and operation essentially converge in the figure of the Delegate, nominated and elected to integrate the Municipal Assembly, in which he represents the voters of the constituency, which is not an organ of the People's Power.

It works independently between one organ and another, but complementing each other.

This allows that, together with the subordination of the lower bodies to the higher ones, the necessary normative, methodological and planning centralization of resources is ensured, the indispensable autonomy of each instance of the People's Power is also guaranteed to make decisions freely and with responsibility. own in all matters of its true competence.

Delegates are obliged to:

  1. maintain a real, permanent and systematic link with their constituents, attending to and making viable the issues raised by them;
  2. work constantly to know the problems that affect their constituents and the causes that generate them; as well as to demand, when necessary, from whoever corresponds, the adoption of the measures required to resolve them, in order to achieve a rapid response and contribute to raising their authority before the voters; meet with their electors at least twice a year, in order to render an account of their personal management, prior programming approved by the President of the Municipal Assembly;
  3. to demand that each citizen who is going to request or ask for something never ceases to be given an explanation, so that they are never lied to and explained honestly and frankly, whether or not their problem can be solved;
  4. to work systematically so that the habit of treating the public with care is created in all production and service centers.

The fundamental essence of the functions of the Delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of People's Power is that, as representatives of the people, they will exercise state power. They, as a whole, are going to exercise government, to intervene in state decisions that affect the entire community; Through these representatives, the masses will participate systematically and regularly in the affairs of the government of society and in the discussion and solution of problems.

Since the primary, maximum power is held by the masses of the constituency, they grant the derived power to the Delegate to represent them in their problems, complaints and opinions.