What obligations do delegates have to their constituents?


Delegates are obliged to:

  1. maintain a real, permanent and systematic link with their constituents, attending to and making viable the issues raised by them;
  2. work constantly to know the problems that affect their constituents and the causes that generate them; as well as to demand, when necessary, from whoever corresponds, the adoption of the measures required to resolve them, in order to achieve a rapid response and contribute to raising their authority before the voters; meet with their electors at least twice a year, in order to render an account of their personal management, prior programming approved by the President of the Municipal Assembly;
  3. to demand that each citizen who is going to request or ask for something never ceases to be given an explanation, so that they are never lied to and explained honestly and frankly, whether or not their problem can be solved;
  4. to work systematically so that the habit of treating the public with care is created in all production and service centers.