What are the principles of organization and operation of state bodies?


The principles of organization and operation of state bodies are:

  1. all representative organs of state power are elective and renewable;
  2. the popular masses control the activity of the state organs, the Deputies, the Delegates and the officials;
  3. those elected have the duty to render an account of their actions and can be revoked from their positions at any time;
  4. Each state body broadly develops, within the framework of its competence, the initiative aimed at making the most of local resources and possibilities and at incorporating mass and social organizations into its activity;
  5. the provisions of the higher state bodies are mandatory for the lower ones;
  6. the lower state bodies are accountable to the higher ones and are accountable for their management. freedom of discussion, the exercise of criticism and self-criticism and the subordination of the minority to the majority rule in all collegiate state bodies